Fire Young Adults

About this Ministry

Young adult’s ministries exist to fan the fire of God’s Holy presence in the life of all Young Adults! Why? We have noticed that there can sometimes be a gap between the transitions from youth ministry to the main adult’s service. It often can be the age of the “in-between.” Being intentional to reach the seniors, college age and young adults ranging from 18 – 30 years old to keep the passion for serving God with fire all the while facing challenges of life’s transitions and still staying connected to God. 

We believe by staying connected:

To God – through the Word, through passionate worship and a lifestyle of prayer

To one another – through fellowship

To the body of Christ – by serving in our local body and community with the gifts God has given us

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Need More Info? Contact Us Below.

Upcoming events will be announced in service and on the website.

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